Gasthof Drei Hacken
Gasthof Drei Hacken
Gasthof Drei Hacken


What's up in the Waldviertel district?

When staying with us in the Gasthof Drei Hacken, you won't miss anything. Here you can find the most important events in the Waldviertel region at one sight.

> Sundays and Wednesdays from 8 pm „Steel-Dart“ in the „Dartstüberl.“

Another highlight of our region are the concerts at Castel Calm. Click here to see the current concert programme.

The Drei Hacken cuisine

The Drei Hacken cuisine

The Gasthof Drei Hacken belongs to the initiative „GENUSS REGION ÖSTERREICH“, which stands for culinary treats and pleasures for your palate. Only the best inns and restaurants are part of this circle. These culinary establishments guarantee high quality products of documented origin, seasonal products and Austrian hospitality, every day again and again.


Drei Hacken -this is where bikers feel like home

The accommodation Gasthof Drei Hacken offers any comfort bikers need on holidays. Not for nothing we are proud to be member of MoHo in the highest category 5 helmets. Garage, maintenance area, Biker's regulars' table and GPS tours are only some of the services we offer. Enjoy motorcycling in a fabulous area, coming home, sitting together with like-minded and enjoy your stay in the Gasthof Drei Hacken.
